
Bruce Maxwell, Esq.

Bruce MaxwellCurrently an attorney at Terrell Hogan, Bruce Maxwell started his career in Georgia. He has been active in the Jacksonville legal community and is a member of numerous associations and boards. Bruce is very active in the Jacksonville community, including Host Committee involvement and other participation with Florida’s Children First. He has been a Special Olympics sponsor for many years and has much experience with handicapped children, having raised a daughter with Cerebral Palsy. He frequently attends legal aid community events. He has handled several large pro bono cases over the years, obtaining successful results for his clients. He is also involved in the Jacksonville Bar Association on both the Judicial Relations and Professional committees. Bruce has been a U.S. Merchant Marine Officer licensed by the Coast Guard since 2003. He is able to assist injured workers within the maritime industry. He and his wife, Leigh, are animal lovers and enjoy training their two German Shepherds.

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Alexia Nechayev

FYS Events & Meeting Chair
(Palm Beach)

Hello, My name is Alexia Nechayev. I am 25 years old and I am an alumna of Florida International University where I received my B.A. in Psychology. My future career goal is to be a Lawyer. I was in care for about one year from age 17 to 18. Prior to entering care, I only knew about the negative stigma regarding foster care and while in care that narrative was unfortunately my experience.

In school I felt like I was on display because my status in care was broadcast to other students and in my placement behavior was leveraged for “privileges” that should be a natural right of all children. Because I did not know my rights I did not know that what I was experiencing was wrong. Today this is exactly why I advocate, because I don’t want this to be the same for other youth who are experiencing foster care.

This is my second year on the FYS Statewide Board and I’m happy to be the Events and Meetings Chair this year because my main goal through advocacy is to reach as many people as possible. My favorite thing as a board member is to see how comfortable members become while working together. The community needs to know that youth in foster care are real people, going through some of the hardest moments of their life and youth need to know that their voice is powerful. I believe that we have to speak up and bring these issues to people’s attention so that they do not forget us. Advocacy, education and consistency is the only way.

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