Join us as the National Association of Counsel for Children’s Legal Director, Allison Green and Youth Engagement Manager Cristal Ramirez share the NACC’s recently released Recommendations for the Legal Representation of Children and Youth in Neglect & Abuse Proceedings (linked below). They will review the 10 primary duties for children’s attorneys and explain the lived experience
perspectives that shaped each one. Special focus will be given to areas that pose the greatest potential for the field (ex. sharp increase in out of-court client contact). Finally, the session will encourage attendees to use the Recommendations and user-centered design methodology as a starting point for revamping practices, training, and supervision in their own communities.
CLE & certificate of participation
NACC Lived Experience Tip Sheet
Recommendations for Legal Representation of Children and Youth in Neglect and Abuse Proceedings
CLE Number: 5941
CLE: 1.0 General, 0.5 Ethics
Certification Credits: 1.0 Juvenile Law
Approval period: 6.9.2022 – 12.31.2023