Private child welfare agencies’ top employees pulling in six-figure salaries
April 4, 2011 Florida’s privatization of child welfare services was supposed to be good for kids and taxpayers. But in the decade since the state
We believe that all children have the right to food, clothing, housing, education, medical care, property and personal privacy.
Florida’s laws, policies and practices respect, prioritize and protect children and youth impacted by the child welfare, juvenile justice, and disability systems.
April 4, 2011 Florida’s privatization of child welfare services was supposed to be good for kids and taxpayers. But in the decade since the state
March 16, 2011 A measure capping legal damages for agencies providing foster care services cleared a House committee on an 11-4 vote Wednesday, despite emotional
March 16, 2011 A measure that would cap damages for pain and suffering by children in Florida’s child welfare system was approved by a House
March 14, 2011 It is apparent that significant gaps and failure in common sense, critical thinking, ownership, follow-through and timely and accurate information sharing defined
March 11, 2011 First, every day, in every part of the state, at-risk children and families are provided high quality, appropriate and timely services by
March 10, 2011 The image of Nubia – golden hair and smile framed by pony tails, sitting up straight and facing the future – is
March 10, 2011 Some legislators are more interested in protecting the private sector than they are in protecting Florida’s children. Identical bills in the House
March 9, 2011 From the moment they were taken away from their biological parents in 2004, Nubia and Victor Barahona were supposed to be shepherded
March 9, 2011 Sen. Ronda Storms told Gov. Rick Scott’s social services secretary Wednesday to “dispense with the niceties” and demanded he provide some answers
March 9, 2011 When Jermaine McNeil was 5, the Department of Children & Families decided it best that he be raised by someone other than
March 8, 2011 Four days after Nubia Barahona’s decomposed body was found in the flatbed of her adoptive father’s pickup truck, state child-welfare authorities completed
March 7, 2011 How dare they? As The Post’s Pat Beall reported Friday, Florida’s privatized child welfare companies want to limit their liability and accountability
March 7, 2011 The private agency responsible for protecting twins who were found along I-95 — one dead and decomposing and the other doused in
FYS Events & Meeting Chair
(Palm Beach)
Hello, My name is Alexia Nechayev. I am 25 years old and I am an alumna of Florida International University where I received my B.A. in Psychology. My future career goal is to be a Lawyer. I was in care for about one year from age 17 to 18. Prior to entering care, I only knew about the negative stigma regarding foster care and while in care that narrative was unfortunately my experience.
In school I felt like I was on display because my status in care was broadcast to other students and in my placement behavior was leveraged for “privileges” that should be a natural right of all children. Because I did not know my rights I did not know that what I was experiencing was wrong. Today this is exactly why I advocate, because I don’t want this to be the same for other youth who are experiencing foster care.
This is my second year on the FYS Statewide Board and I’m happy to be the Events and Meetings Chair this year because my main goal through advocacy is to reach as many people as possible. My favorite thing as a board member is to see how comfortable members become while working together. The community needs to know that youth in foster care are real people, going through some of the hardest moments of their life and youth need to know that their voice is powerful. I believe that we have to speak up and bring these issues to people’s attention so that they do not forget us. Advocacy, education and consistency is the only way.